Time Transformers

Temmerian Transmissions


You Are in Heaven’s Gateway: Asket of Temmer, Pleiadian


We are Asket. In the world today, you have come to see a lot of disruption in the normal processes of nature and the normal processes of your social order. When order can be put aside and the muscle of human will can be pushed into the forefront of your world’s stage, so that that’s what you experience — the will of someone or something greater than your own making itself felt — the chaos that you experience in such times is something of a bewilderment to many of you, and we would like to point out today how within that chaos some pearl of order and perfection can be found.

In our own world, we’ve experienced throughout our history, and throughout the history of other worlds that we have inhabited, some echo you are experiencing now. Truly there is no end to the reverberations of history, and the cycles of time keep going and carry with them the unfinished sounds of a song that has great meaning in the evolution of the human consciousness that exists throughout the galaxy.

When our world was young and our history was beginning to set itself into motion, we were a people who were in transformation from our roots and our history from another world, into a new people with an infusion of the codes of another world that was new to us. As we developed into a new people, and the melding of worlds proceeded, there was some chaos. There were yet some reverberations from the trauma that proceeded our escape, shall we say, from a grip of cold and unyielding death, that those of us who managed to move across the expanses of time and space, who found fertile ground to root ourselves as a new people, carried within us the codes that had shaped us from a long history of being human within the cradle of a civilization that had spanned countless millennia, and was now forced to reinvent itself.

So the chaos that caused our migration came with us for purposes of transmutation, and understanding, and wisdom. Those of us that could corral the healing of the energies of a new sun were able to weave together the codes from our past and our future, and with the help of a loving society which had accepted our need for resolution of our history through re-rooting ourselves into a land that they had themselves tended, we were able to unite code with code and bring together a people who had both needs met for the assurance of their evolution and survival together, and thus became our world, Temmer.

We tell you this today as many of us in the League of Light source from this world, because your world is experiencing some reverberation of this movement from escape of death and movement into a new place where opportunity has a promise. Yet there are a lot of issues standing in your way to get to the place of healing and integration of the spirit of humans together, outside of the obvious challenges that race and civilization and culture present, for these are precious treasures that should be lost only to your detriment. So maintain what you can of your language and understanding, your art and music, and carry it within.

In the transition from chaos into a perfection of being, you must be able to relax at the deepest level of your being and know that there is some inevitability when a movement is taken, that there will be some outcome that you don’t know about yet, that cannot be predicted with any certainty.

There is a beauty in this that is available to you if you can focus and entrain yourselves to the love that exists beneath the chaos and beneath the causes for it.

When our people came to settle in this new world that became Temmer, we had the challenges of wanting to maintain who we were and who we understood ourselves to be as humans, and it was only through releasing the need to maintain an understanding from a world which no longer existed that we were able to embrace with our whole hearts what was about to happen on this new world. In this we gained a sure footing, and we didn’t slip. We moved forward with a certainty of love within ourselves, within that which we knew as human, and this is what carried us forward. This is what nurtured and sheltered that which we held precious of who we were. We suggest that you do the same in some way, not to lose yourselves, not to acquiesce to the oppression and the forced movements that you’re being made to dance to. There is magic afoot, yes, and it is being worked against you and you have to counter it with the only force that can withstand such machinations from dark hearts… for the pit of darkness would gladly swallow you, if it could.

What you need, you already know, and it is love. We are challenging you today to expand your concept of what love is, to embrace a greater understanding of what you are capable of loving within yourselves and within the mirror of self that you see around you, and others. It is only together that you are going to survive the pressures that the transformation that is now underway in your world, is carrying you. Together you can create yourselves anew.

Many of you are willing to set aside the issues that separate you, and many of you recognize that the separations are artificially engineered to keep you from gaining the strength that you have when you are together. We do not mean at all that you should be the same, for this is something that we learned ourselves. We maintained our uniqueness, we maintained the sovereignty of our individual understanding of who we were in the realm of humanity, and within the realm of family, and within the realm of tribe, and worlds collided. The fusion that resulted created a new being. In this perfection that we found, a whole new emanation of humanity emerged, one which we have nurtured with reverence and remembrance, for we cannot forget where we came from. Yet we do not dwell upon it. We retrieve it now for your edification and to remind you that there is no real separation between humans of any origin, other than that which they create with their minds, and that which they choose to embrace therein.

Now, why are we bringing this up today? Well, you know that you are facing monumental challenges to the unity of the human heart across chasms of ideology, and belief, and choice of affiliation, and… oh, so many things, dear ones, that are presented to you as roadblocks and obstacles. You must see through them and you must see the bridges that exist. Where you perceive separation, you can perceive unity. And by unity we do not mean homogeneity; you are not a bland mixture of homogenized soup of beingness. You are individuals which shine with your light, and with individual lights shining together the opalescence that emanates from your world is truly capable of bringing together not only the people of your world, but of affecting many, many worlds outside of your own.

We challenge you to see past that which you believe so strongly, about the left and the right, about what you cast your ballot for, about what you choose to feed your physical body with, about what you choose to sing in glorification of that which is divine and above your cognizant awareness of what the human is able to achieve as an embodiment, separated from the divine. For this is a perception that challenges you as well, and the various means by which you seek to rectify this separation, to weave yourselves back together with your understanding of your divinity, the various flavors that you put on your plate of worship, or adulation… these must become a feast for you, and not allergenic issuances of some other form of life.

So, no matter what you consider yourselves, what labels you put on yourselves, you have to see that they are merely words, and that the reality that lies within them — within each of you — renders such things merely as decoration.

Dear ones, we are challenging you to dissolve the separations that have been put in front of you: to see that the challenges of your mind to find the depths of love and to heal the pain that love itself is carrying does not mean to relinquish what it is to love as a human being, but to expand it. And by embracing the pain rather than separating yourself from it by creating tiny encampments which say, “I am not this pain, but you are if you do not join,” do you see? This is the fertile ground for which the seeds of revolution can be sown in a way that manipulates you rather than empowers you.

Are you able to expand your concept of love to embrace pain and to embrace each other, in spite of the pain that love is seeking to heal within you from lifetimes of perversity, of manipulation, of trauma? It is only when you can, dear ones, that you can transcend that is which is being put upon you at this moment that has the potential to tear you apart.

We are asking you to put aside all the perceptions of separation that you can perceive around you. There are so many, and once you start sweeping them away, and you find others, keep sweeping, dear ones. Keep removing them, seeing through them, reaching past them to embrace each other. Don’t worry about these things. They may seem important in the moment, but whether you are attracted to one dogma or ideology or philosophy or way of living, or another, are you able to see that is doesn’t matter as long as you maintain what it is to be human? and what it is to be divine within that human vehicle that you call yourself? Because all of these things and the causes of chaos will pass away, they will rectify themselves, they will dissolve, and you will see the pattern that takes the shape of this pearl of wisdom that lies within. Seek that, dear ones. It is within each of you, if you can dive within and find it, through the turbulence, without fear, knowing that your ancestors and your cousins from other stars and other suns are able to laugh and live with joy, under other skies, and are yet connected with you in one family.

The breadth of humanity knows no separation.

Let this be enough for today and know that we are with you. I am with you, I am watching, and I am so intently loving you as family, watching this moment of transformation with keen interest, my dear ones. Know that you have our friendship, and come what may, we remain as family within the weave of the reality that you are, as human beings. When you are able to set aside the ideas of who you think you are within the world… perhaps you can feel it, this resonance that we have together. This is the love of humanity that we share for ourselves and each other.

Be fearless, dear ones, and know that the transformation is well underway. Whatever pops up on your reality screens as a projection from those who would manipulate your perceptions and extend the illusion of the dark magic that they are trying to sway you with, know that the love of worlds beyond yours is carrying you, and infusing you with all of our prayers of strength and goodwill, and we love you.

In peace now, I will take my leave and speak with you again.

In the meantime, be wise, dear ones, and look at each other through the clear eyes of love. This is Asket of the League of Light. I bid you pleasant tomorrows. I bid you peace, and in the spirit of service to a higher love, {Something is said in another language} On our world, this means, “Our sun is shining, and the rays of light cast no shadow through the beings which have opened their hearts to the reflection of love within the heart of each other.”

In peace, I bid you good day, until next time.

(Transcribed from the original recorded message found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOplQEbfOXg)

(Transcription: Thank you to Laron at transients.info)

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You Are in Heaven’s Gateway: Asket of Temmer, Pleiadian (video)

In the heart of humanity is a seed of life that has traveled through time and space to now. What we do in the moments that are upon us as a people will determine our past as well as our future. Only by remembering will we have a future free and sovereign. Asket shares deep wisdom from galactic travelers who have had the experience of migrating from a lost world to a new one. It is to our benefit to understand what she says, and to see what we have to gain, and to lose, in the final stages of the world game now playing themselves out.

You can access more of Asket’s videos at the Channel Nine YouTube channel. Read more from the League of Light crew at Opalescent Nine (http://opalescentnine.com). Books from the League of Light are available from many sources. Visit http://opalescentnine.com/teachings/opalescence/books to find out more.

Music: “Follow Me” by Jimmy Fontanez/Media Right Productions (intro/outro) under CreativeCommons.

Thank you for your support in helping the mission grow, and in keeping the site online and the books and messages coming through. I wish you all a bright path ahead. To learn how to sponsor a message, visit the website.


The Signal

You’ve come to a point in your history when you’re about to see everything change. You’ve had some inklings of this, and you’ve had some people predicting things based on numbers and what they’ve seen and what they’re feeling. You’re feeling things and you’re seeing things yourselves. It’s good to heed these ideas to the extent that they make sense within you, and to know that change has been a constant on your planet forever. And change is accelerating. There will come a point when the change acceleration reaches a critical mass and implodes upon itself in such a way that everything will seem to turn inside out. Will this happen within the next few days? It is probable that what you see happening around you is going to change everything about how you understand your place in reality and how the planet works as a whole. What I mean by that is that your planet has an idea about itself, and you are extensions of that idea. The planet wants to extend its experience through you, through your experience of life upon it. In this way there is an interplay between you and your natural environment.

What do you do when someone comes in between you and your experience? What happens when you’re watching a show, perhaps on your computer screen or your television or on a stage, and someone walks in front of you and starts talking about something they hold very important that will change your ideas from what you had been seeing before? Irritation and frustration, most of you. Anger, some of you. Some of you get sucked into the change as if it is part of the show itself. Why I bring this up is because it seems that that’s what’s happened in your history. Now, you can politely ask this person to step aside so that you can resume taking in the pictures you had been seeing before that had been entertaining your mind. Or you can get up and walk away, and turn around and see the reality for yourself, as it is.

You’ve taken in a lot of history. Some of it has been true and some of it’s been designed to hold your attention on a part of your psyche that, when corralled in a way, and harnessed, can be driven and drive you as a people into a direction that is best for the person holding the reins. It’s time to free yourself from this now, and you’re seeing it happening in very subtle ways. However, I am here to say that this thing has become part of your screen of illusions that you had been taking for truth. A long time ago, you were able to see reality clearly for what it was. History is about to meet itself again. When that happens, you are going to see beyond this illusion, beyond the screen that had been showing you some pictures, and beyond the person who’s been standing in your way. You’re going to see reality for what it is, and for that you need to be prepared, because reality is a lot bigger than any screen can hold it or any one story can describe. Reality, my dear ones, is about to explode upon your reality, and you have to be prepared for all kinds of things to happen within yourself as your view of the world expands in ways that you can’t predict and that you can’t anticipate.

There’s no way that any of us can describe exactly what that would be like for you. You have to enter into the moments that come without knowing what they’re going to bring. Every moment of your life is like this. As you walk through time, it opens up a doorway and you enter into it, step by step and moment by moment.

What you’re about to enter into as a temporal reality together as a people is going to require that you be very clear in your senses and that you are able to put aside the kind of games that you play that you’re not aware that you play. Everybody has this. Everyone is putting their ideas in front of them to be recognized and, while that is satisfying, it won’t help you too much in the days that are coming. What will help you is to see clearly and to join together and to say, “This is what we’re seeing.” Not, “This is my interpretation of what we’re seeing.”

You have to be very clear in your hearts, dear ones, so that you’re not fooled by the plays of light that will be cast in front of you. There will be an effort to yet control your experience and you have to be clear that that is what’s happening, and to either walk into it acquiescing that your experience is controlled by an outside force, or enter into it with your eyes open and your heart knowing itself, your mind without any kind of structures of illusionary ideas. Your ego serves a purpose, and the purpose right now that your ego serves is to say, “I am without a doubt here to experience what I’m here to experience,” and not buy into the experience that someone is trying to sell you. That includes what I’m saying. You can take what I’m saying as the truth from my perspective and as advice from a loving sister, for that is how I am offering it. Or you can take it as another piece of the illusion. The choice is up to you. I have no qualms about you having your own experience, of course (laughs). The choice is yours.

We of the League of Light, with whom I am aligned and who exist in this now with you to serve your uprising consciousness and your well-being as you walk into the coming moments of the transformation that is upon you already. We have only to share with you those pieces of wisdom that we see as serving you best in the timelines that we see from a different perspective, from hindsight outside of your matrix, to guide you into being aware so you can make the kinds of decisions that will lead you into a clear path, where shadows aren’t going to be tugging at your feet or hiding, but will be seen in that light of day as they are.

Your history is about to come to a close and all of the fairy tales that you have been given as history will either take hold as a new truth or will be put upon the shelf as stories that were given to you to help you sleep. Of course, we prefer to see that you walk into your future fully aware of where you are and who you are and who you have been, and to carry with you the truth and the resonance of humanity of the highest reverberation of what it is to be divinity embodied, for that is what you are and what we are as kin, as humans of this interconnected network of planetary civilizations. You may think this is part of another fairy tale, but you shall see certain truths revealing themselves in the days to come.

We are here as we have been, loving and welcoming to you as you reach out for greater understanding. We are here to answer questions and we invite you to connect with us from within your heartspace, from the place of fearlessness. If you can’t find that particular seat within your heart, we’ll help you to clear away the fear.

It is with a fully empowered sense of self that we encourage you to walk forward interconnected with each other, interconnected with all of the sentient life forms that sprout from this planetary sphere, which is itself sentient, exuding life through every being that exists within its envelope of life. We would like to invite you to join with each other and we are always open to your entrance into our company as friends and as kin. We are eager to share the warmth of the light that glows from within.

We ask you to be without fear and without certainties. We ask you to be open as children are to new experiences, with joy in your heart and expectation only of a fuller experience of what it is to be human and divine at the same time. If you hold any expectation, dear ones, let it be something along the lines of this. What is about to reveal itself to your planetary reality need not be encapsulated in any way. It is for you to experience. We only say that we are here and we are available for you any time to answer questions or to provide any comfort of presence that we may. We are here and we are breathing with you, dear ones, to encourage and support your experience of release, to help you find your way as you accelerate forward into a new mode of being.

The light that shines within you is about to become more visible to each other.

I leave you now in peace and remind you that I’m always here. I’m available to this world as a sister, as one who is given the great honor of guiding you through this historical transformation. We may not be seeing fireworks in the sky, dear ones; we may not be seeing explosions of light, or we may be seeing a flash of understanding within which changes everything that is seen without.

More I cannot say but to say that it is with the greatest love that I regard you all. Feel my presence, dear ones, for I am with you in thought. There is much yet to do, and every moment is revealing more of time. Be at peace and know that you are much loved. This is Asket of the League of Light. Until we speak again, dear ones, be at peace and remember who you are.

This is a written transcript of Asket’s original transmission, “The Signal,” which you can see on this blog, at https://timetransformers.wordpress.com/2015/09/21/the-signal-video-edition/.



The Signal: Video edition

The time of transformation is upon us, we are in it, we are the wave of change that is about to see everything transform in an instant of fully-lit awareness. In the midst of a world turbulent with speculation, uncertainty, imbalance, and accelerated evolvement, the challenges to stay focused on the core of everything are abundant. Asket reminds us that the divine resides within, and that is where we will discover everything anew. The human quest for transformation into new beings of light begins there, and from there begins a whole new world.